- Partner/Teammate Matching
- The web app provides a marketplace for users to buy
- Creating a user-friendly interface for easy navigation
- Providing relevant and accurate search results
- Properly moderating community and forum features
- Balancing personalization with privacy and security
Partnerhere - Learning Management System
Project Goal – Collaborative Networking
Enhance PartnerHere with features like search, community networking, and custom decks to optimize user connections and profile management.

Overcome Challenge – Technical Challenges
The technical challenges include creating a sophisticated matching algorithm, establishing a secure payment system, designing a scalable architecture, and ensuring seamless integration with WordPress LMS.
👏🏽 Blazing Performance – Facilitating collaborations
PartnerHere promoting entrepreneurship, enhancing professional development, and providing a user-friendly experience with its various features and capabilities. It suggests that the platform operates exceptionally well in delivering on its core objectives.

“BitCot's ability to work with diverse modern technologies, their willingness to understand our needs and their eagerness to help us accomplish our goals have been instrumental.
As CTO at PartnerHere I've relied heavily upon them to develop our custom software, integrate it with a variety of 3rd party vendors and then deliver the entire system to our end-users via the cloud -- all on a tight budget.”
Ian F. HoodPartnerHere
Tech Stack
Some technologies used for this project