- Interactive event timelines
- Flexible subscriptions
- QR plaques for physical memorials
- Shared event timelines
- QR Memorial Plaques
- User customization & control
I aM Memorial - iOS & Android Platform
Project Goal – Memorialization Platform
To provide a comprehensive digital memorialization platform that empowers users to remember and honor loved ones in a unique and personal way.

Overcome Challenge – Data Schema Integration
Before / Integrating a dynamically created page listing individual memorials for the same person and a dynamically generated event timeline.
After / We successfully integrated data schemas to create a Memorial Channel with a shared event timeline that enhances the user experience.
👏🏽 Blazing Performance – Interactive Event Timeline
Special Feature: An Interactive Event Timeline that allows users to add events, dates, photos, videos, and memories to create a tangible life story.
Description: The Interactive Event Timeline offers a unique and engaging way to visualize and interact with an individual’s life journey, fostering a sense of community and connection among users.

“Chris Snyder, founder of Immortal Memorials, faced significant challenges when searching for a software developer or mobile app developer for his startup. Despite being pre-revenue, he spent several months exploring various options both in the US and overseas without success. However, his luck changed when a mutual friend referred him to Rise. From their initial conversation, Chris knew he had found the perfect company to collaborate with. Rise not only made him feel welcomed and integrated into the team but also exhibited exceptional friendliness, professionalism, and understanding.”
Chris Snyderfounder
Tech Stack
Some technologies used for this project