- User-Friendly PDF Management
- Efficient Data Mapping and Processing
- PDF Security with Stamp and Freeze Features
- Seamless Integration with Cloud Storage
- Automated Data Synchronization
- Streamlined Mail Data Updates
- Client, Staff, and Engineer Portals
- QR Code Scannability
- User-Friendly PDF Management UI
- Data Mapping for Format Conversion
- PDF Processing Engine with Stamp and Freeze
- Cloud Storage Integration
- Automated Data Synchronization
- Mail Data Monitoring and Updates
- Versatile Client, Staff, and Engineer Portals
- QR Code Scannability Solution
JobLog - Web Application Platform
Project Goal – Digital Plan Lifecycle Management
The main objective of the project is to provide a platform for efficiently managing the digital design lifecycle, including the execution of swimming pool-related digital blueprints. It aims to improve the communication between the company and the customer, provide cross-browser access, and enable customers to view their work.

Overcome Challenge – Technical Hurdles
PDF Freeze Feature:
Before: Slow and resource-intensive PDF freezing.
After: Optimized PDF freezing for quick and efficient execution.
Efficient Data Migration:
Before: Data migration challenges from the 1990s system.
After: Efficiently migrated data to the new system.
Versatile Stamping Engine:
Before: Stamping engine compatibility issues.
After: Developed a stamping engine supporting all PDF versions.
👏🏽 Blazing Performance – Comprehensive PDF Management
The highlight of the “JOBLOG” project is its comprehensive PDF format, which provides user-friendly PDF links, secure stamping and freezing, efficient data mapping and usage, easy integration, and cloud storage. This feature simplifies the management of digital blueprints. It also improves the digital design lifecycle.
Tech Stack
Some technologies used for this project