- Athlete-Matching with Local Experts
- Skill Enhancement for Faster Progress
- Diverse Sports Offerings
- Various Session Options
- Media Capture for Visual Records
- Launched Mobile Platform for Athlete-Expert Links
- Diverse Skill Options
- Varied Session Types
- Captured Memorable Experiences
Stomp Sessions - iOS & Web application Platform
Project Goal – Accelerating Skill Development and Sport Exploration
Stomp Sessions focuses on transforming sports learning by linking athletes with local experts for skill enhancement and diversification across sports, aiming to offer unique, accelerated learning experiences.

Overcome Challenge – Pilot Phase Limitations, Sport Expansion, Audience Reach
Limited Availability During Pilot Phase at Select Resorts.
Expansion Challenges in Onboarding Local Experts for New Sports.
Geographic Reach and Audience Expansion Hurdles.
👏🏽 Blazing Performance – Athlete-Matching with Local Experts
Stomp Sessions’ key feature is its athlete-matching with local experts, offering a personalized learning experience for skill development and sport exploration.
“I've been designing mobile apps and services for many years - for companies ranging from emerging start-ups to Fortune 100's. BitCot has been excellent development partners for Stomp Sessions. BitCot's rapid development approach works in concert with our highly iterative process. With BitCot, we are able to revise and refine our User Experience based on user feedback to deliver new product features to our customers.”
Robert Suarez
Tech Stack
Some technologies used for this project